Rainy Day

Cadence and I enjoyed a rainy day just hanging out… She is getting to be such a big girl! And that’s not just a reference to her weight… She officially slept through the night last night, going down without crying at 9 PM and waking up happy at 6 AM! Speaking of happy, her mama was thrilled 🙂 I’m not necessarily anticipating a repeat performance every night, but I’ll take it when I can get it.

She’s also coming out of an awful spell and starting to nap well again!! This feels like a major improvement to both me and her daddy as the phrase “we just can’t get enough of her” does not apply to a whiny and fussy exhausted baby. 😉

In other minor milestones I’m pretty sure she’s teething, has her hands are currently her favorite toy along with anything else she can put her mouth, accompanied by copious drooling. But I think her first tooth is probably still a long way off. As her primary food source, I certainly hope so 🙂 she thinks perhaps she’s ready for food, see?


We’re spending this evening just hanging out at home, picking up house a little. Well I’m picking up Cadence is supervising…


Okay Cadence says I need to get back to work so that’s all for now!!

UPDATE… Just thought I’d share the view from here… Playing airplane with Cadence before bedtime!


WOAH… Time Flies!

Wow.  So I feel like this blog has become my Everest.  I’ve been daunted by how “far behind” I am in updating it… but each day that goes by makes that problem worse!  So we will just have to accept that I’ve missed posting about a milestone or two and move on together… sound OK?

Without further ado or apologies… here are some highlights from the month of October! (yes, I realize we are half way through Nov)

– Cadence took her first trip (since being born) to New Jersey!  I had a work event the second week in October so the three of us trucked up to NJ so that Brent had reinforcements for his all-day daddy-daughter time with Cadence.  She (and he!) did great!  After just a little bit of trial and error she took a bottle from her dad, took naps on schedule and was generally wonderful!  At least that’s what I heard from her Mimi.  She may be biased 😉  This trip also gave Cadence a great opportunity to meet more of her Franklin family for the first time.  It was really a great week!

Hanging Out with Daddy while Mom is at work:

A little play time with cousins Drew and Will:

Ahhhh…back with mommy after being apart all day!

– After a great week in NJ we had a harrowing drive to suburban DC to see the other side of the family.  Between rain, traffic, and a screaming baby it was a drive we hope NEVER to repeat.  Cadence is definitely still 50/50 about her carseat.  Yikes. However, it was worth it!  She got to have some quality time with her Grandma and her Aunt Carolyn.  They even babysat while Brent and I went to a Redskins game with some work contacts.  It was a great weekend!!

iPhone lessons with Aunt Carolyn

Mom and Care, looking perhaps a little tired but triumphant after successful babysitting =)

Ok… speaking of time flying, that’s all I have time for right now! I will have to post more later… but this is a start right??